I will answer them

Isaiah 65:24 

I will answer them before they even call to me.  While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers.

What a powerful statement!  This verse fills our hearts with hope as we read & declare this.  He knows! He knows & He is already answering before the prayer is off our lips!  Thanks Lord!  What a good & faithful Father He is.

Again and again over the last months, Jerry & I have spoken to each other about concerns and needs and before the words are off our tongues and we have the chance to make the need known, the Lord is already providing an answer.  We are overwhelmed with His goodness and care.

We had a desperate need for mature, seasoned workers to move to the Middle East to oversee workers in that region.  Instantly, the Lord gave us a name to contact and, as they prayed about going, He confirmed this in their hearts.  You can read about them at global-harvest.ca. Lord willing, they will arrive, along with 3 new young workers in September.  Praise the Lord!  Please pray for these 5 new workers.

There is a backlog of places, from the travel disruption over the last couple of years, that we need to get to and everything is falling into place with flights and arrangements.  Thanks, Lord!

In September:

We will be in the Middle East and will gather all regional workers for a retreat.  We are praying this will be a monumental time in the next steps to establishing the church where there in no church.

In October & November:

Our hearts are bursting with joy to finally get to Zambia and Malawi.  This time will be with ACOP leaders, Bible Schools, Orphan care ministries, conferences, church services, reviewing projects for ACOP Global Harvest Trains and ACOP Global Harvest Builds.

In January

The dream that God gave us over 15 years is becoming a reality! New ACOP workers have arrived in East Africa – 1 family and 1 young lady.  We will be with them on their unreached island.  To date, only 6 men from this people group are known believers. How can this be?  Please join us in asking the Lord of the Harvest for more laborers and a softness to the Holy Spirit, among this people group, that would make their hearts receptive to the gospel. Pray for women and children, whole families – to commit their lives to Jesus. He is able!

Preparations are underway for leader’s meetings, and Bible School on mainland Tanzania.  We can’t wait to get on the ground! By faith, we are believing for a movement of Africans who will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to go to unreached people groups among them.  

You’re our team

Thank you for being part of our team, enabling us to “Reach and Teach the nations to Reach and Teach the Nations”. Your faithful prayers and support make it possible for us to join the Lord in His great work.

Until all know Him and for the glory of His name!  

Brenda and Jerry