22 Years Ago

22 years ago this month, we began missions ministry in Malawi, Africa as a couple of young rookie missionaries. Now our kids are bigger than us and our work takes us across Canada and around the world. We thank the Lord for His faithfulness and for the good work He is doing around the world!


This year, our ministry took Brenda to Africa and both of us throughout Canada mobilizing and training new recruits for missions, and supporting mission’s vision in local churches and at Bible Camps. 2017 looks like the busiest year yet with ministry and scouting trips into Asia, Africa and Central America. We will continue to provide ongoing care and support for Global Workers and Global Partners and on-field training with newly deployed frontier workers. We couldn’t do this without you.

You are an amazing gift to us by supporting us faithfully for so many years in prayer, friendship, care and finances. Thank you for being the most amazing partners – together reaching and teaching the nations to reach and teach all nations. May your Christmas be filled with Christ’s presence and provision and with many opportunities to share His life and love with others.

Thank you for praying for and supporting us as we seek to support current Global Workers and to raise up, train, equip and deploy a new generation of Apostolic Pioneer Workers to reach the unreached with the good news of Jesus.

Continue to connect with us at www.schuetzsafari.com